Friday, May 8, 2009

Jean Ives Thibaudet - average guy or super star pianist?

Yes, that's right – I finally got to see one of my favorite pianists perform live, and I can't imagine a pianist I'd rather have a beer and chat with more. I got to hear him preform Ravel's G major piano concerto at Geneva's Victoria Hall on the 19th of April. He's a pianist I have admired since I was a teenager, and I was floored when he walked on stage and looked like some fellow who had just walked in off the street. Honestly. Tall, lanky, a pierced ear, highlighted hair. However, if you watch interviews with him on youtube, you will quickly come across his staunch belief that male concert performers should also get to wear fancy clothes when performing (you know, he says, those tuxedo tails are so boring!). I initially thought his suit looked like something from some cheap European market, but after further consideration, he did look fairly sharp. Nevermind how he looked, though – his colorful playing did confirm my long-held beliefs that he is one of the best living pianists. His nonchalant manner at the piano made the music all the more accessible and the atmosphere relaxed. It was just fun what a concept!

In November 2008 I also got to hear Evgeny Kissin in the same hall perform a recital of mostly works of Chopin. It was less memorable, and I certainly would not want to have a beer with him.